
SHORT RANT I hate it when the radios play the same songs again and again and again and they're the MOST annoying songs. I mean, I LIKE the songs when they first come out but the radios repeated playings make me HATE the songs. THE RADIO MAKES ME HATE MUSIC Like, I loved Perfect by Ed Sheeran when it came out but it is SO OVERPLAYED that everytime it comes on, I groan and change the channel. I also hate it when I change the radio stations if a song I hate/don't know comes on and they're PLAYING COMMERCIALS. OR IF a commercial comes on MY station so I change it and EVERY OTHER STATION HAS A COMMERCIAL. NOBODY LISTENS AND HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO MUSIC I also hate it when my FAVORITE song comes right as I leave the car. Despite the fact that I've been crossing my fingers and repeatedly praying for the same song to come on through the whole hour-long drive. And I hate it when the radios only play the singer's HITS and not the other music from their album t


I hate it when the teachers assign too much homework and announce that you're going to be having a test on Friday. It's always FRIDAY. Friday is supposed to be FUNDAY but instead, we're jampacked with tests and work and it's just too much. It's especially horrible when MORE THAN ONE TEACHER ASSIGNS HOMEWORK OR ANNOUNCES A TEST FOR THE SAME DAY. That's the worst because now you're having to do DOUBLE the work.

Tomorrow I have to debate and I'm kind of angry because I really wanted to go today but my team did not allow me to. I don't understand. The other team did not prepare at all and we should have gone because we would have obviously won but no, my teammates said "Oh whatever we can go tomorrow" and we're only going to have 20 MINUTES because it's a minimum day, seeing as it's the last day of the semester, and everyone else got to have at least 30. I don't find this fair.

Teachers are great sometimes and sometimes they're... not. I hate those teachers who always have to keep repeating what they just said 320 million times because they think that we're stupid and that we didn't hear it the first time. Like, I DID. Just stop repeating it and move on to something new so I can actually learn something.

I'm not saying I don't like school. I DO. But I kind of wish that teachers sometimes would just end their spiels and just shush while we do independent work. I have this one teacher who basically never teaches anything and I actually learn more in that class because I can do independent work. I work better alone and without any guidance, strange as that sounds.

Rant with me about teachers and school, guys. HMU



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